The Powerful China


原因是這樣的:基地組織曾派出6名精英恐怖分子襲擊中國各地。結果 :
  • 1人在炸公車時沒法子擠上車;
  • 1人在炸超市時,炸彈遙控器卻被人扒走了 ;
  • 1人在炸政府大樓時被保安截住狂揍: "叫你討薪,沒叫你上訪啊!!"。
  • 1人成功地炸煤礦穴,死傷數百人,潛回基地後,半年都沒見有任何新聞報導這宗事件,基地組織以為他虛報, 遂判以 "撒謊罪"處決了;
  • 1人曾經嘗試炸廣州 ,結果剛一出火車站,炸藥包就給飛車黨搶了,半天還沒定過神來 ;
  • 最近又派1名女恐怖分子去炸河南 ,卻被人騙去了做媳婦!!

Who Gets the Worm

Business Week, November 19, 2007
By Sonal Rupani

Some 70% of those earning at least $75,000 say they are at their best in the morning, vs. 40% of those making under $30,000, according to a Gallup Poll of 1,019 adults. Would you be richer if you could just rise earlier? Not necessarily, says London consultant Leon Kreitzman, co-author of Rhythms of Life. He cites a sleep-habit survey by Southampton University researchers, who caught up 20 years later with people polled in 1973. Late risers were actually a bit wealthier. Being a lark or an owl is genetic, and the income disparity Gallup found may result from self-selection in job picking, he says. "It's not a willpower thing."