Miami Vice

I haven't seen the TV series, but I am pretty sure that it wasn't as stupid as this movie, at least not during its heydays.

The plot was laughable, full of holes big enough to drive a Ferrari through. Most of the dialogs were unbelievably crappy, wavering between pretentious or inept. It was a wonder that the actors (and actresses) were willing to speak those words. I learned that the series' simultaneously glitzy and gritty cinematography was considered revolutionary in its days, and here Michael Mann did not disappoint. To a newcomer (to the series) like myself, the cinematography was still refreshing even though it has been 20 some odd years since the visual style was first created. Editing was, however, choppy. The lethal combination of haphazard editing and a retarded storyline resulted in quite a few 'huh?' moments on my part.

It was hard to assess how Colin Farrell, Jamie Fox, and the rest of the cast did. They were given far too little materials with which to work. Their characters were less than one dimensional; they sounded more like robots casted in stereotypical roles, speaking unreal yet excessively predictable lines.

Gong Li, however, was a bright shining star in this otherwise rather dull movie. Her perfect complexion, delicate features and dangerously fitting suits set her up as a classic femme fatale, but it was her acting that truly brought the character to life. By blending just the right amount of naivete, savviness, wildness, and desperation, Gong successfully created a living and breathing drug baroness. While most other Chinese actors working in Hollywood would come across as uncomfortable or even wooden in English-speaking movies, Gong radiated ease here. Her expressions and body language in this movie recalled her richly nuanced performance in earlier Chinese works like To Live and Raise the Red Lantern. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie was too weak to carry her magnificence, and one can't help but feel sorry for her wasted efforts in this uninspired project.

The decline of the abstract noun

Dec 13th 2007 | PARIS
From The Economist print edition

What a reduction in abstraction says about the new France

Of all the novelties of France under President Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the more arresting is the decline of the abstract noun. In the past, no French leader would make a speech without liberal doses of destiny and history. In one speech Mr Sarkozy's predecessor, Jacques Chirac, squeezed 13 abstract nouns — unity, liberty, humanity and more — into a single sentence. He was almost outdone by his prime minister (and part-time poet), Dominique de Villepin, who came up with the declaration: “Globalisation is not an ideal, it cannot be our destiny.”

The contrast with the wordcraft of Mr Sarkozy is instructive. In his first big foreign-policy speech, he managed in 18 pages to utter neither the word glory nor the word grandeur. Unlike his British counterparts, who favour verbless sentences, Mr Sarkozy is a verbaholic. According to a linguistic analysis of his campaign speeches by Damon Mayaffre, of the University of Nice, one of Mr Sarkozy's most frequent words is I, usually followed by the verb want.

What does this say about France? One answer is that the country has a hyperactive president, constantly on the go, who expects the French to be so too. “Work more to earn more” was his slogan, and his use of verbs matches the message. This is a man who likes to jog, where previous presidents preferred a dignified stroll. Indeed, his predilection prompted Libération, a left-leaning newspaper, to ask, “Is jogging right-wing?” It even moved a philosopher, Alain Finkielkraut, to implore the president to take up the promenade—a “spiritual experience”—and to give up jogging, which is mere “body management”.

Another explanation is that Mr Sarkozy is challenging the French tradition of conceptualism. Intellectuals, long cherished by the establishment, get short shrift now. “It's an old national habit: France is a country that thinks,” said Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, in a speech on the value of work, before adding: “Enough thinking now! Let's roll up our sleeves.” This week, Mr Sarkozy sneered at French philosophers during the visit of Libya's Muammar Qaddafi to Paris, accusing them of sipping coffee in Left Bank cafés while others got things done. As for France's famously rigid school curriculum, he has little fondness for it. Too much time is spent, he has declared, “on doctrine, theory and abstraction”, and not enough on practical applications. How long will it be before he has a go at the national motto, a veritable wealth of abstraction: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?













「『師奶』是最偉大的職業!全天候二十四小時……犧牲小我、完成大我,原來只有師奶。」在TVB周刊裏的這段文字,是在宣傳《師奶兵團》之餘,也給認同自己偉大的「師奶」們立下牌坊。換個角度看,就是借歌功頌德來glamorize師奶的身份,卻不去反思師奶的心態;借glamorization來剝削師奶對自己的幻想,而不是藉辯證幻想來幫師奶增加面對現實時所需要的力量。《靚太唔易做》和《師奶兵團》水準上的相去甚遠確是在於「文化差異」上,但理由不是無線監製所解釋的中國人不是美國人,而是其抄襲一直存有選擇性,那便是把一切highbrow(高眉文化)、middlebrow(中眉文化)都矮化成 lowbrow(低眉文化)。

Lowbrow之所以叫lowbrow,便是在本質上屬於反智,逃避主義,所以大眾化。 Lowbrow當然也有良幣劣幣之分,好的能做到扛着低等反低等的既反抗菁英,也反抗平庸;既反抗扮嘢,也反抗無知。但TVB的節目路向卻剛剛相反,由戲劇的假扮低下階層其實很「中產」,以致強裝「高級」其實很草根,均反映着這家電視機構拒絕看清現實,因而永遠落在電視文代發達的國家後面。





回歸以後,香港人當家作主,初試啼聲,7.1遊行一鳴驚人。無建樹可言的政客只消站在政府對面,撕破喉嚨大呼口號就能撈到政治本錢 –– 反正轉過頭來就可以說“我和北京有良好的溝通渠道” –– 無本生利的生意,當然前赴後繼的去做。可是成果呢?回歸十年,“民主派”能拿出來的政績有什麽?這樣的表現,在我們打工仔的環境裏,早早就吃魷魚了。


競選的政黨不知所謂,報導的傳媒更是面目可惡。生果日報拿出文革式的倂勁,從day 1開始把對手萬般踐踏,連老牌左派文字報都比它客觀得很多、很多。作爲一個飲壹周刊奶水長大的人,我當然知道黎先生很有立場。可是,輿論是社會公器,我能接受你有立場,我不能接受你把propaganda當作事實報道,更不能接受你這麽赤裸地欺騙公衆,以達致一己私利。生果日報、壹周刊近來的每一頁都充斥着仇恨、私心、謊言、滿瀉的malice,絕對應該加上膠套,警告讀者看後會心理嚴重不平衡。

不過,政府在防止選民最後關頭被騷擾、欺壓都做得足夠。話説到底,投下神聖的一票的是選民;把那個“剔”印方方正正的打在選票上的,還是有自由意志的你和我。根據我受什麽民調機構問的exit poll問題,選民的決擇有四大原因:政黨、往績、名氣、其他。政綱呢?理念呢?都歸在收納垃圾的“其他”下嗎?理論上選舉就是讓人民選出與自己理念相近的代表,在公共事務上發言、做決定。是民調機構低能,連選舉的基本功能都忘了,還是廣大的選民壓根兒沒有考慮什麽理念,而我是全香港唯一一個按政綱、公開發言投票的人?