Miami Vice

I haven't seen the TV series, but I am pretty sure that it wasn't as stupid as this movie, at least not during its heydays.

The plot was laughable, full of holes big enough to drive a Ferrari through. Most of the dialogs were unbelievably crappy, wavering between pretentious or inept. It was a wonder that the actors (and actresses) were willing to speak those words. I learned that the series' simultaneously glitzy and gritty cinematography was considered revolutionary in its days, and here Michael Mann did not disappoint. To a newcomer (to the series) like myself, the cinematography was still refreshing even though it has been 20 some odd years since the visual style was first created. Editing was, however, choppy. The lethal combination of haphazard editing and a retarded storyline resulted in quite a few 'huh?' moments on my part.

It was hard to assess how Colin Farrell, Jamie Fox, and the rest of the cast did. They were given far too little materials with which to work. Their characters were less than one dimensional; they sounded more like robots casted in stereotypical roles, speaking unreal yet excessively predictable lines.

Gong Li, however, was a bright shining star in this otherwise rather dull movie. Her perfect complexion, delicate features and dangerously fitting suits set her up as a classic femme fatale, but it was her acting that truly brought the character to life. By blending just the right amount of naivete, savviness, wildness, and desperation, Gong successfully created a living and breathing drug baroness. While most other Chinese actors working in Hollywood would come across as uncomfortable or even wooden in English-speaking movies, Gong radiated ease here. Her expressions and body language in this movie recalled her richly nuanced performance in earlier Chinese works like To Live and Raise the Red Lantern. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie was too weak to carry her magnificence, and one can't help but feel sorry for her wasted efforts in this uninspired project.

The decline of the abstract noun

Dec 13th 2007 | PARIS
From The Economist print edition

What a reduction in abstraction says about the new France

Of all the novelties of France under President Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the more arresting is the decline of the abstract noun. In the past, no French leader would make a speech without liberal doses of destiny and history. In one speech Mr Sarkozy's predecessor, Jacques Chirac, squeezed 13 abstract nouns — unity, liberty, humanity and more — into a single sentence. He was almost outdone by his prime minister (and part-time poet), Dominique de Villepin, who came up with the declaration: “Globalisation is not an ideal, it cannot be our destiny.”

The contrast with the wordcraft of Mr Sarkozy is instructive. In his first big foreign-policy speech, he managed in 18 pages to utter neither the word glory nor the word grandeur. Unlike his British counterparts, who favour verbless sentences, Mr Sarkozy is a verbaholic. According to a linguistic analysis of his campaign speeches by Damon Mayaffre, of the University of Nice, one of Mr Sarkozy's most frequent words is I, usually followed by the verb want.

What does this say about France? One answer is that the country has a hyperactive president, constantly on the go, who expects the French to be so too. “Work more to earn more” was his slogan, and his use of verbs matches the message. This is a man who likes to jog, where previous presidents preferred a dignified stroll. Indeed, his predilection prompted Libération, a left-leaning newspaper, to ask, “Is jogging right-wing?” It even moved a philosopher, Alain Finkielkraut, to implore the president to take up the promenade—a “spiritual experience”—and to give up jogging, which is mere “body management”.

Another explanation is that Mr Sarkozy is challenging the French tradition of conceptualism. Intellectuals, long cherished by the establishment, get short shrift now. “It's an old national habit: France is a country that thinks,” said Christine Lagarde, the finance minister, in a speech on the value of work, before adding: “Enough thinking now! Let's roll up our sleeves.” This week, Mr Sarkozy sneered at French philosophers during the visit of Libya's Muammar Qaddafi to Paris, accusing them of sipping coffee in Left Bank cafés while others got things done. As for France's famously rigid school curriculum, he has little fondness for it. Too much time is spent, he has declared, “on doctrine, theory and abstraction”, and not enough on practical applications. How long will it be before he has a go at the national motto, a veritable wealth of abstraction: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?













「『師奶』是最偉大的職業!全天候二十四小時……犧牲小我、完成大我,原來只有師奶。」在TVB周刊裏的這段文字,是在宣傳《師奶兵團》之餘,也給認同自己偉大的「師奶」們立下牌坊。換個角度看,就是借歌功頌德來glamorize師奶的身份,卻不去反思師奶的心態;借glamorization來剝削師奶對自己的幻想,而不是藉辯證幻想來幫師奶增加面對現實時所需要的力量。《靚太唔易做》和《師奶兵團》水準上的相去甚遠確是在於「文化差異」上,但理由不是無線監製所解釋的中國人不是美國人,而是其抄襲一直存有選擇性,那便是把一切highbrow(高眉文化)、middlebrow(中眉文化)都矮化成 lowbrow(低眉文化)。

Lowbrow之所以叫lowbrow,便是在本質上屬於反智,逃避主義,所以大眾化。 Lowbrow當然也有良幣劣幣之分,好的能做到扛着低等反低等的既反抗菁英,也反抗平庸;既反抗扮嘢,也反抗無知。但TVB的節目路向卻剛剛相反,由戲劇的假扮低下階層其實很「中產」,以致強裝「高級」其實很草根,均反映着這家電視機構拒絕看清現實,因而永遠落在電視文代發達的國家後面。





回歸以後,香港人當家作主,初試啼聲,7.1遊行一鳴驚人。無建樹可言的政客只消站在政府對面,撕破喉嚨大呼口號就能撈到政治本錢 –– 反正轉過頭來就可以說“我和北京有良好的溝通渠道” –– 無本生利的生意,當然前赴後繼的去做。可是成果呢?回歸十年,“民主派”能拿出來的政績有什麽?這樣的表現,在我們打工仔的環境裏,早早就吃魷魚了。


競選的政黨不知所謂,報導的傳媒更是面目可惡。生果日報拿出文革式的倂勁,從day 1開始把對手萬般踐踏,連老牌左派文字報都比它客觀得很多、很多。作爲一個飲壹周刊奶水長大的人,我當然知道黎先生很有立場。可是,輿論是社會公器,我能接受你有立場,我不能接受你把propaganda當作事實報道,更不能接受你這麽赤裸地欺騙公衆,以達致一己私利。生果日報、壹周刊近來的每一頁都充斥着仇恨、私心、謊言、滿瀉的malice,絕對應該加上膠套,警告讀者看後會心理嚴重不平衡。

不過,政府在防止選民最後關頭被騷擾、欺壓都做得足夠。話説到底,投下神聖的一票的是選民;把那個“剔”印方方正正的打在選票上的,還是有自由意志的你和我。根據我受什麽民調機構問的exit poll問題,選民的決擇有四大原因:政黨、往績、名氣、其他。政綱呢?理念呢?都歸在收納垃圾的“其他”下嗎?理論上選舉就是讓人民選出與自己理念相近的代表,在公共事務上發言、做決定。是民調機構低能,連選舉的基本功能都忘了,還是廣大的選民壓根兒沒有考慮什麽理念,而我是全香港唯一一個按政綱、公開發言投票的人?

The Powerful China


原因是這樣的:基地組織曾派出6名精英恐怖分子襲擊中國各地。結果 :
  • 1人在炸公車時沒法子擠上車;
  • 1人在炸超市時,炸彈遙控器卻被人扒走了 ;
  • 1人在炸政府大樓時被保安截住狂揍: "叫你討薪,沒叫你上訪啊!!"。
  • 1人成功地炸煤礦穴,死傷數百人,潛回基地後,半年都沒見有任何新聞報導這宗事件,基地組織以為他虛報, 遂判以 "撒謊罪"處決了;
  • 1人曾經嘗試炸廣州 ,結果剛一出火車站,炸藥包就給飛車黨搶了,半天還沒定過神來 ;
  • 最近又派1名女恐怖分子去炸河南 ,卻被人騙去了做媳婦!!

Who Gets the Worm

Business Week, November 19, 2007
By Sonal Rupani

Some 70% of those earning at least $75,000 say they are at their best in the morning, vs. 40% of those making under $30,000, according to a Gallup Poll of 1,019 adults. Would you be richer if you could just rise earlier? Not necessarily, says London consultant Leon Kreitzman, co-author of Rhythms of Life. He cites a sleep-habit survey by Southampton University researchers, who caught up 20 years later with people polled in 1973. Late risers were actually a bit wealthier. Being a lark or an owl is genetic, and the income disparity Gallup found may result from self-selection in job picking, he says. "It's not a willpower thing."


(Via The Pond)

The glamorous work of user support technicians

The Leader of the Free World

On this program, in the past, we have occasionally ribbed our current president. It's true. Go back and look at some of the tapes. We can be quite ribald. But it's in no way indicative of any real feelings about the president's abilities or policies. It's nothing personal – until now.

Yesterday, surrounded by school children, speaking in defense of his education policy, the president said this: [on screen, Bush saying,] "Childrens do learn, when standards are high and results are measured."

Childrens do learn! Or does they?

"Childrensss do learn" while talking about education. Let me tell you something, sir. Myself and this show, we don't need your charity. I have a full staff of very talented writers and producers working for me, and we can't even make that funnier by taking it out of context. You were talking about education! There is no funnier than that.

There is going to come a day when everyone here is going to need keen observation and wit to ridicule you. But when that day comes, all we're going to have are tired puns and goofy looks because, as you would say, we're suffering from the soft bigotry of low expectorations. So, please sir, change! For the childrens."

– Jon Stewart, September 27, 2007 (video)

The very charitable Stewart did not mention in this segment that during his first presidential campaign, Bush, who promised to be the "education president", once asked: "Is our children learning?"


Image of FiascoThis book broke my heart. It is the first time ever that I read a history book and weep.

If you are, like me, a concerned yet lazy global citizen, you'd have caught news about bombings in random Iraqi cities every once in a while, thought about how screwed up things are, wondered what could be done now that the US is already stuck in the quagmire, and returned to your daily routines as there is nothing that you can do.

What Ricks do oh so superbly in this book is to fill in that skeleton and present the reader with a coherent, lucid, and detailed account of what has happened so far. It pierces through the fog of words put up by the Bush government, who have the absolutely best spin doctors in the world, the confusion caused by the media's sporadic interest, and our numbness in the face of a humanity crisis. The result is, we no longer have an excuse to ignore the war in Iraq.

Before I started reading this book, I was worried that I'd be reading some wacko's exaggerated, emotional, conspiratorial account of the Iraq war, as implied by the title. I was hooked by the second page. Ricks's prose is clinical and precise. Dates and people are clearly identified, assertions duly footnoted, and quotes corroborated. As I flipped through the pages, a line in my head slowly connects dots of information hidden in the back of my mind - names of cities and provinces, utterings by officials and generals, bits and pieces of bombing footages. The reason I am comfortable to accept Ricks's version of the events is that it is supported by published sources, created at the time or very shortly after events take place. This is not someone making up facts to support his vendetta, with the help of 20/20 hindsight; this is a professional journalist writing a report in accordance with the strictest journalism principles.

Firmly convinced by the romantic notions of neoconservatism, the hawks of Washington DC went into Iraq without any reconstruction planning. An army of young and hotheaded soldiers was sent to Iraq expecting jubilant crowds in the street, welcoming their liberators. Instead, the undersized troops found themselves stuck in fighting an insurgency, the techniques for which was nearly wiped out from the Army's institutional memory following Vietnam. As we ponder and debate what is happening in Iraq, over a thousand Iraqi civilians die every month from violence, millions have their home destroyed in the crossfire, and countless are insulted daily by the presence of an unwelcome guest in their country and (literally) home. How can the "leaders" of the West continue to sit on their hands and wonder why are there more and more insurgents every day?

Apart from being outraged by the mess created, I am also shocked to the core by the lessons pointed out by Ricks. It is because I have actually witnessed many of them in my world. Incompetence of senior officials, distrust of local knowledge, hostility to dissenting views, and, most important of all, refusal to acknowledge mistakes - these are all very common in our workplace and I have personally fought many such incidences. These are real. The only difference here is the cost of these "blunders" are not just a few zeroes in a dollar figure, but the loss of life on a massive scale. We can no longer afford to shrug off the stupid things that some politicians say and do. There are terrifyingly real consequences to human incompetence, as continuously illustrated by the sad, sad situation in Iraq.

Conan O' Brien on college

Conan O'Brien's commencement speech for the Class of 2006 of Stuyvesant High School
Alright, yeeaaaah! I said yeeaaaah! Thank you. Thank you graduating seniors, faculty, parents... (several girls shout "we love you Conan!") I love you too sir. Thank you graduating seniors, faculty, parents, SAT tutors, college placement coaches, jealous siblings, grandparents who have no idea who I am... (applause) "Who is this horrible man?" And people who wandered in accidentally because they have season tickets to Lincoln Center.

Before I begin, I'd like to thank you for inviting me today. Over the years, I have been asked to give commencement speeches at many prestigious institutions. Just last year, I was offered fifty thousand dollars to speak at a graduation. But I said, "you go to hell, Bronx Science!" (applause) Then they said "sixty thousand!" And I took it but I never showed up! Man, those guys are idiots.

Hang on, grandma. "What's happening?" I am truly honored to be here today. Of course when I first got the call no one mentioned I'd have to show up at 8:45 in the morning and wear a dress. By the way, true story, I am wearing a ceremonial robe decorated in the colors of my alma mater, Harvard University. (applause) But I choose to wear it because it's the fastest way to let everyone know I'm a pompous, self-important jackass. (applause) I'll go to Starbucks later, "I'll have a mocha latte, BUT DON'T STAIN MY ROBE!" By the way, if you're curious, yes, under this thing I am going commando. (students "woo"-ing) I call it "Conando." That was dumb.

People mountain people sea (literal version)

Porn for Women

Image of Porn for WomenI picked this up at the book store while waiting for the movie to start at a nearby cinema. My interest was piqued by the juxtaposition of a provocative title, in a warm and fuzzy typeface, and the ikea-esque cover image. I finished the book in less than 5 minutes but it left me in tears for quite a bit longer. This is probably the most hilarious book I have seen in a while.

The concept is simple - porn for women. Instead of showing bulky and sun tanned boys strutting it on a beach, the audience (presumed to be female) gets images of sincere and caring men doing / saying things we can only dream of. All in a book that one could find on the shelves of a regular book store.

Whoever thought of this should get filthy rich and be worshiped by women from all over the world, and build a Mansion overflowing with an unlimited supply of crispy high-count linen, sinfully delicious but carb-lite and fat free snacks, and obscenely good looking, charming man-servants. The guests (girls) are welcome to party all night every day of the week, doing heart-to-heart talks.

Awwwwwww. Sweeeeeet.


p.s. I was trying to buy this book for a girlfriend's birthday today, and couldn't find it on the shelves. It was a busy hour for the store, with all the white-collar prisoners released for the daily stroll in the mall. So I had to chase after a shop attendant, "Excuse me, I am looking for a book named 'Porn for Women'." "Points for Women?" "No, p-o-r-n. PORN." She punched in the beginning of the title, "PORN F", nothing turned up. So she tried again, "PORN". This time, there were too many hits.

Friendly reminder: This book is apparently not available at any of the Dymocks outlets in Hong Kong! Instead, check out Kelly & Welsh (and Swindon), where I first saw it.



镇委书记与一女性裸死车内 一网站称系因公牺牲 - 華商網(我未能肯定真的是南方網的報道)



鎮官與情婦裸屍車廂 - 蘋果日報




奧運倒數 福娃倒下


在倒數儀式舉行期間,自然少不了一眾明星與名人上台慶祝倒數一周年,也當然少不了奧運吉祥物福娃出場。只見貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎、妮妮興 高采烈地左搖右擺助興。台上的5隻「福娃」左搖右擺助興,蔚藍色的吹氣福娃「貝貝」不知怎麼的,愈來愈矮,變了縮水福娃,直至見不到它的樣子。原來是貝貝突然「泄氣」,變得頭耷耷,幾乎要倒下來,最後要工作人員中途「攙扶」離場。

- 明報新聞網,二〇〇七年八月九日


What is art

I have always held this view, but was never able to articulate it quite so eloquently:
As Nietzsche knew, painters do not merely reproduce [reality]. They select and highlight, and they are accorded genuine admiration in so far as their version of reality seems to bring out valuable features of it.
~ "On Eye-opening Art", The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton

Of course this applies not only to painters, but all forms of art. Art is not merely an imitation of nature, but an expression of the artist, of his or her interpretation of this world.

This is my favorite chapter in this book. I am going to Provence some day to see for myself.

Fooled by Randomness

More about Fooled by Randomness

Reading this book has been a life changing experience for me.

Granted, many of the concepts are not exactly groundbreaking, but no one has ever been able to put together such an easy to understanding, entertaining, and, most importantly, RELEVANT framework for understanding the role of randomness in life. For example, similar concepts have been explored in A Mathematician Plays the Market by John Allen Paulos. But compared to NNT, who manages to not just inform but to CONVINCE, Paulos' work is dry and abstract.

NNT's tenet is that we as human need to understand, through science, the limits of our mind in coping with randomness. Our brain is wired to understand and store things as narratives, with cause and consequence and meaning. We always unconsciously misjudge the meanings of probability and randomness, and the failure to anticipate for the worst is usually the gravest mistake a person can make. NNT's goal is to pound the evidence of human fallacy into the reader and to make sure that, while still complete idiots, the reader would be one of the few who are privileged with the knowledge of his idiocy.

I am completely converted by NNT, because he manages to bring together many rules and evidences that I have always known to address a wide range of suspicions that I have always had. However, now that my understanding of the world has been thoroughly changed, I need some guidance on how I should behave. NNT has given plenty of examples in this book - e.g. if you're going to trade, never expose yourself to any possibility of a massive loss; or, just make small but steady money by being a broker - but it is difficult to apply them to the wider world. When I excitedly tell my husband about the brilliant and inspiring ideas in this book, he drove me speechless by three very simple questions - "How can all those improve my well-being? How can it help me in launching next Fall's product line?"

I am positive that, in time, the answers can be found in this book or future works by NNT. "Fooled by Randomness" is definitely one of the several books that I am planning to read over and over again.

To further explore the inner working of our irrational mind, I have started reading Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. It is great fun so far - the only problem being that people would look at me funny as if I'm reading a pathetic self-help book!


A good reminder of how good our teachers' lives are, comparatively.








- 明報即時新聞,二〇〇七年七月十二日

文匯報, 1989年 6月 5日

A record of history,
by 1of@kind









Victoria Harbour

This was once a tiny fishing village.






- 明報即時新聞,二〇〇七年五月二十三日


  • 受訪者有沒有看過問卷調查的原文?(還是由調查員以憤怒的聲線讀出他最不喜歡的一句?)
  • 什麽是「某些字眼」?(你不喜歡一、我不喜歡二,這就算是兩個人不喜歡「某些字眼」,儘管其實每個字眼都只有一個人不喜歡)
  • 什麽是反感?(我對謀殺這種行爲很反感。我乘地鐵時,對在我旁邊的人挖鼻子也很反感。我看記者的文筆不通暢,算不算是感到反感?)
  • 什麽是進一步處罰?(我想罰他留堂、你想把他斬首,都是處罰啊。)
  • 爲什麽只給我一個選擇,只是處罰學生報編輯?(我想處罰中大校方多一點)
  • 登登登櫈!各位,這叫僞 • 善




Welcome to America – The Saudi Arabia of Coal

Photo by James NachtweyAn excellent article from last week's GQ. A very humane look into the miners of America. While us Chinese people are tragically used to hearing about mining accidents that killed dozens of people in the news every now and then, this industry is largely forgotten in the developed world. However, with a quarter of the world's reserve of coal, the United States employs over 80,000 miners in extracting the "freedom fuel" from its land everyday.

Coal, if it disappeared from the nation's consciousness, never went away. This is America, and this is our fossil fuel, a $27.6 billion industry that employs nearly 80,000 miners in twenty-six states. We are sitting on 25 percent of the world's supply—the “Saudi Arabia of Coal!”—and lately we've been grabbing it in record amounts, gorging on the black rock the Bush administration calls "freedom fuel."

The question I had going in was almost ridiculous in nature: If coal is really this big, and all these people really exist, how is it that I know nothing about them?

The ceiling is five feet high, and so you can’t, actually, stand up. You look around and everyone is walking around like the freaks in Being John Malkovich. “Okay, they should make it higher,” I said to Foot the first time I experienced this. I wanted to call a congressman or something. This was ridiculous. There are people in here! Everyone’s doing a duck walk, hands clasped behind their backs to give the body balance as they lean over and waddle. You work your whole ten-hour shift like that, duck-walking through the darkness, nothing but a pinpoint of light shining from your hat to tell you which rat tunnel is which. A rat. You feel like a rat.

Now you can FINALLY start dating online

Someone should turn this into a service business. Seriously.

(Via Catwalk Queen)


This is a perfect illustration of how irrational the market is in China. Literally a 10-year old child could make money in today's market.

What goes up must come down. How many cycles does it take for people to really learn this adage?





因為對股票的專注和興趣,爸爸決定給尹航一次實戰機會——今年1月15日,爸爸投資1.4萬元 (人民幣,下同)作為尹航的炒股基金,賺得的資金八二分帳,爸爸八,尹航二。拿到啟動資金後,尹航興奮地開始了自己人生第一單,他用這些錢購買了3隻股票,其中,深振業A購買時是13.12元,現在,該股票已上漲到22元,收穫頗豐富。而短短幾個月,尹航已通過爸爸的投資賺到了自己的小學學費。


~ 明報網上即時新聞,2007年5月15日


There is so much happening these days besides the storm in a tea cup at the Chinese University:

Eurovision Song Contest 2007

Excellent coverage at Wiki, BBC, with commentary from the Fug Girls and the Maestro Manolo. One huge draw back of Hong Kong's television offering is that I am not given the chance to ogle this annual European camp galore LIVE.

The screenwriter of Borat is going to make a movie about Eurovision!!! Possibly the best movie concept I have ever heard.

Clio Awards

The much-forwarded washing machine commercial turns out to be a contemporary work + has won the grand prize in the TV category at this year's Clio Awards. StuffIt's print ad is very clever. The Nike+ online community that has won in the interactive category is, of course, smart and supremely functional.

You are what you read

I first came across The New Yorker in a fairly modest way. We stayed at a relative's place for our vacation in New York last year. A copy of The New Yorker was flipped open and sat on top of a tall stack of reading materials in the bathroom, and, as a person who has to read when idle, I picked it up and started reading the opened page.

It was an amazing experience. I read quite a number of Western magazines regularly – Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, Time, Reader’s Digest – but I had never read any magazine article that spanned 20 (letter-sized) pages. The sensation was peculiar – As I continued flipping the pages, I became increasingly wary of its length but simultaneously longing for it to never end.

The New Yorker is the kind of magazine that entices you intellectually. It does not simply inform the reader – it assumes the reader is informed. Topics of its feature articles vary widely, from political affairs to artist profile to travelogue to psychology to consumerism, and the quality is perpetually excellent. Loosely related to a central theme of the issue, the simple and condensed article titles on the cover are as attractive as the sensational catchphrases on the cover of women’s magazines:


  • The World’s Most Baffling Tribe – Chronicles the work of a former-disciple-turned-opponent of Noam Chomsky, on the language of an Amazonian tribe that defies the most widely accepted linguistics theories.
  • Commutes from Hell – On the life of American commuters who are on the road 5+ hours a day.
  • Railroading Tibet – The myth and reality of the world’s highest railway’s impact on the Tibetan social fabric.
  • My first passport – A Turkish writer recounts the process in which his first passport created and shaped his self-identity.
  • Urban acrobats – Introduces the readers to parkour, a newly emerged urban physical art form that combines extreme sport and martial arts.
  • I love luggage – The obligatory article on shopping. Introduces the reader to the dizzying array of suitcases that can be found in the city.
And of course, the famed New Yorker cartoons are witty and hilarious. But what I found even more entertaining are the small advertisements that occupy 1/8th of the outside column on some pages. They present the reader with so many curios he never knew he wanted. Here is a sample from, again, the issue I am reading:
  • The Wallet Pen. Now, you always have a pen.
  • Nifty Crosswords! Actually personalized all through! First they solve it – then they keep it!
  • Swim at Home. Swim against a smooth current adjustable to any speed or ability. Ideal for exercise, therapy, and fun.
  • Benchmark(er). Mark the big things in life – on the bench.
  • Men’s wide shoes. EEE-EEEEEE, sizes 5 to 15.
  • Replacements, Ltd. Missing a piece of your pattern? Over 11 million pieces in stock. New/used, buy/sell.
The price demanded for this weekly literary masterpiece is merely HK$60 (approx. US$7.50). No wonder Hong Kong's magazines have to sell for HK$10 (US$1.25) or even less.

Back from heaven

I think I have caught the China travel bug.

I've been from a 11-day trip to the remote parts of Sichuan and Yunnan for more than a week, and yet I am still unable to focus on work. My mind is flooded with images of mountains that soar into a perfectly blue sky, valleys that hold in an exuberance of greenery and never-ending rivers, people who are genuinely content with their life and happy to meet strangers. It was a way of living that relies entirely on mother nature.

I'll be posting pictures and thoughts to Flickr over the coming weeks.

It was a life changing experience. Human beings are nothing in the face of nature. Our lives and thoughts and believes and emotions are fleeting moments in human history. Everything that may affect a man's sense of self-importance - 是非、成敗 - is trivial. The sole goal of life is to be happy and to make people around you happy.

Where shall I go next?










Another piece of extremely frustrating news

How can they say that??? Are they human beings??? I do not understand what kind of political calculus would encourage this kind of utterance. Everyday vocabulary like "outrageous", "moronic", and "disturbing" cannot being to describe the Japanese official stance, which is maddeningly senseless, insulting and simply evil.




- 明報即時新聞,二〇〇七年三月十六日

Workout, or lack thereof

In lieu of my weekly gym session, I worked out for half an hour following the New York City Ballet Workout this morning. (This is not the first time I do so.) The weight of various parts of my body started making themselves known half way in to the first warm-up exercise, and I could barely breathe at the end of the half hour.

It is one of those eternal mysteries in life that, during adolescence, I managed to get fat while doing 5 hours of ballet a week. Mind you, those sessions weren't just for fun. They were under the strict tutelage of a strict ballet mistress. Aaah, the good ol' days.

The ideal Christmas gift

Watch this now, before the various stripes of hypocrites rob us of this ingenious music video.




你可以批評選角的問題(古天樂、張靜初這樣的俊男美女,哪有一丁點像道友呢?),但不可以因爲這些無可避免的商業元素而抹殺了他的認真。以毒品作爲題材的影片中外皆有,但資料搜集做得這麽詳細的恐怕不多。有這些資料作爲back up,導演帶我們進入毒品的這個探險就順暢得多。




p.s. 今天看到報紙娛樂版,驚詫新年檔期的港產片票房慘淡,除《門徒》外,《雙子神偷》、《心想事成》都非常不賣座。 - 天呀,請別繼續把全港六百萬市民都當作是白痴了。求求其其、馬馬虎虎的電影,省掉吧!

Getting rich in the new year

I was greeted by this headline from Yahoo! in the first morning back to work. Not a bad start to the new year!

恭喜發財!新年快樂! :)

If Hedge Funds Kept Cows, Your Milk Would Go Sour

Leveraged Buyouts

You have two cows. You come home from the fields one day to find Henry Kravis chatting to your spouse at the dining-room table. Two days later, you have no spouse, no farm, and no table. Two guys the size of sumo wrestlers have saddled up the cows and are riding them around the farmyard.

Hedge Funds

You have two cows. A guy in an open-necked shirt drives up in his Bentley and offers to take care of them for you in return for a year's supply of steak and 50 percent of their milk. They won't be allowed to leave his compound for two years.

Six months later, you have half a cow, producing sour milk. ``You have to be willing to lose rump today to get rib-eye tomorrow,'' the hedge-fund guy mumbles through a mouthful of sirloin and champagne.


You have lots of stocks and bonds, but no cows. Are you crazy? Cows are the hot new market. Here, buy this exchange- traded cow futures contract. It can't lose. It gained 40 percent in the past six months.

Carbon-Emissions Trading

You have two cows. They produce 1.2 tons of methane gas per day. After a hefty donation to the re-election campaign of your local representative, the government gives you enough emission permits for six cows. You sell three permits, buy another cow, and apply for a European Commission grant to build a methane-gas power station.

By Mark Gilbert @ Bloomberg
Full list here

Prehistoric lovers found locked in eternal embrace

ROME, Italy (AP) -- It could be humanity's oldest story of doomed love.

Archaeologists have unearthed two skeletons from the Neolithic period locked in a tender embrace and buried outside Mantua. The site is just 25 miles south of Verona, the romantic city where Shakespeare set the star-crossed tale of "Romeo and Juliet."

Buried between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago, the prehistoric pair are believed to have been a man and a woman and are thought to have died young, as their teeth were found intact, said Elena Menotti, the archaeologist who led the dig.

Although the Mantua pair strike a rare and touching pose, archaeologists have found prehistoric burials in which the dead hold hands or have other contact, said Luca Bondioli, an anthropologist at Rome's National Prehistoric and Ethnographic Museum.

The find has "more of an emotional than a scientific value." But it does highlight how the relationship people have with each other and with death has not changed much from the period in which humanity first settled in villages, learning to farm the land and tame animals, he said.

See full article at CNN

Some of the best Super Bowl XLI commercials


But half of these doesn't even mean anything!




  • 一是要堅持社會主義先進文化的發展方向,唱響網上思想文化的主旋律,努力宣傳科學真理、傳播先進文化、倡導科學精神、塑造美好心靈、弘揚社會正氣。

  • 二是要提高網絡文化產品和服務的供給能力,提高網絡文化產業的規模化、專業化水平,把中華文化作為網絡文化的重要源泉,努力形成一批具有中國氣派、體現時代精神、品位高雅的網絡文化品牌。

  • 三是要加強網上思想輿論陣地建設,掌握網上輿論主導權,提高網上引導水平,講求引導藝術,積極運用新技術,加大正面宣傳力度,形成積極向上的主流輿論。

  • 四是要倡導文明辦網、文明上網,淨化網絡環境。

  • 五是要堅持依法管理、科學管理、有效管理,綜合運用法律、行政、經濟、技術、思想教育、行業自律等手段,加快形成依法監管、行業自律、社會監督、規範有序的互聯網信息傳播秩序,切實維護國家文化信息安全。




I cannot even begin to imagine the grief of losing a child, but this reminds me of how love conquers all. What a beautiful tribute.

Picture taken by Mr Moor

爛 gag 大全

Use your cursor to highlight the space at the end of each line to reveal the answer. You would probably want to check out too.

  1. 巴斯光年殺左條龍之後變左咩?   殺龍巴斯
  2. 條蟲爬去皇帝條j度你估係咩?   爬龍舟囉
  3. 咩植物識溜冰?   花,因為花式(識)溜冰
  4. 皇后似咩?   似廣場,因為皇后像廣場
  5. 有乜野慘過食屎?   食兩舊屎
  6. 郭富城唱咩歌?   唱"這歌"
  7. 去中國唱咩?   "唱"人民幣
  8. You go to a ball, but you do nothing , what do you do?   Whole night stand
  9. 有一塊火腿同一條腸仔放左落同一隻鑊度,點解佢地唔傾計?   因為佢地未熟
  10. 讀完中五讀乜?   讀下午
  11. 點解唔可以係船上講笑話?   因為個海聽到會笑,咁就會引起海嘯
  12. 食乜野昆蟲會瘦?   蟻,因為食蟻瘦
  13. 用身體上邊樣野可以修飾雙手?   答案係毛髮(毛髮可修飾的一對手)
  14. 1+1 幾時會=3?   錯個陣
  15. 去小明屋企禁極門鐘佢都唔開,最後講左一句乜小明先去開門?   「我來自德成」
  16. 樹邊部份最得閒?   葉!因為「葉得閒」
  17. 微分 sin 同積分 sin 分別係咩呢?   係「設計」同「入面」(d-sin 同 in-sin)
  18. 原來「瑜珈」的創辦人係兩個中國人,但係佢地只係創立左一大堆理論,佢地究竟係邊個呢?   孔子、孟子
  19. 有一日小明行行下街果時覺得隻腳好酸,原來小明踩中左舊檸檬…
  20. 國際機場男廁…………乜能都有



爸爸:一個係朗拿度,一個係 C.朗拿度
明仔:一個係馬昭, 一個係司馬昭...


熊貓 :點解咁講呀老豆?



華生看後就說:「睇到滿天星星,令我覺得人類真是渺小... 我地應該好好珍惜我地的生命...造福社會....為世界盡一份心力 !!! 咁福爾摩斯,你呢?」

蚯蚓爸爸虛弱地說:「我.......想 ...想...踢場足球」

他們高興地說:「Give me five!」

係 M & M(m&m只溶係口 唔溶係手)





從前有個小朋友去左食pizza,點知pizza hut d pizza 加左橄欖, 之後個細路話比佢名媽知:
「禁撚(橄欖)難食嫁 ,唔好食呀!」
