Porn for Women

Image of Porn for WomenI picked this up at the book store while waiting for the movie to start at a nearby cinema. My interest was piqued by the juxtaposition of a provocative title, in a warm and fuzzy typeface, and the ikea-esque cover image. I finished the book in less than 5 minutes but it left me in tears for quite a bit longer. This is probably the most hilarious book I have seen in a while.

The concept is simple - porn for women. Instead of showing bulky and sun tanned boys strutting it on a beach, the audience (presumed to be female) gets images of sincere and caring men doing / saying things we can only dream of. All in a book that one could find on the shelves of a regular book store.

Whoever thought of this should get filthy rich and be worshiped by women from all over the world, and build a Mansion overflowing with an unlimited supply of crispy high-count linen, sinfully delicious but carb-lite and fat free snacks, and obscenely good looking, charming man-servants. The guests (girls) are welcome to party all night every day of the week, doing heart-to-heart talks.

Awwwwwww. Sweeeeeet.


p.s. I was trying to buy this book for a girlfriend's birthday today, and couldn't find it on the shelves. It was a busy hour for the store, with all the white-collar prisoners released for the daily stroll in the mall. So I had to chase after a shop attendant, "Excuse me, I am looking for a book named 'Porn for Women'." "Points for Women?" "No, p-o-r-n. PORN." She punched in the beginning of the title, "PORN F", nothing turned up. So she tried again, "PORN". This time, there were too many hits.

Friendly reminder: This book is apparently not available at any of the Dymocks outlets in Hong Kong! Instead, check out Kelly & Welsh (and Swindon), where I first saw it.


random said...

hey, this has been weird - having trouble leaving comments. the page keeps reloading itself and deleting whatever i wrote. let me see if this works this time...

but anyway, that "porn" is pretty crazy stuff...

Unknown said...

I haven't read this book but I just ordered two of them as Christmas presents since you highly recommended it XD.

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