Back from heaven

I think I have caught the China travel bug.

I've been from a 11-day trip to the remote parts of Sichuan and Yunnan for more than a week, and yet I am still unable to focus on work. My mind is flooded with images of mountains that soar into a perfectly blue sky, valleys that hold in an exuberance of greenery and never-ending rivers, people who are genuinely content with their life and happy to meet strangers. It was a way of living that relies entirely on mother nature.

I'll be posting pictures and thoughts to Flickr over the coming weeks.

It was a life changing experience. Human beings are nothing in the face of nature. Our lives and thoughts and believes and emotions are fleeting moments in human history. Everything that may affect a man's sense of self-importance - 是非、成敗 - is trivial. The sole goal of life is to be happy and to make people around you happy.

Where shall I go next?


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