Lotsa TV

I wasted two precious hours of my youth in watching a unbelievably pathetic movie tonight. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, starring Sean Connery and a bunch of other second tier actors. How could any businessman with half a brain willingly put up so much money into creating such a pointless, bland, uninteresting movie? Just as in investing, learning how to avoid costly and predictable mistakes is half of the secret to success. This movie is a "classic" in the sense that it aptly demonstrates everything that can go wrong in a movie. And it's not even remotely funny (as in being ridiculous), like Deep (Shit) Rising or Battlefield (Scientological) Earth.

On the other hand, I've been watching Yes, Minister, an old (1980 - 1982) TV series by BBC. With just a handful of superb actors and minimal props and settings, the writers of this show painted a painfully accurate picture of modern government with an acidic sense of humour. This is political drama at its very best, British sarcasm at its very fullest.

I've been watching so much TV lately. Perhaps I really need to go out more often. With real people, not just imaginery friends. :/


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