Then and Now

Happy is now officially old. He is 12 years old (or older; he was relatively grown up when mom's ex-colleague picked him up from the street in 1995) and more than a dozen of his teeth was surgically extracted yesterday.

At me and my brother's urging for over a year, mom took Happy to see the vet at SPCA and found out Happy has irritated skin, some kind of germ in his blood that prevents clotting, and lots of rotten teeth. Happy is our first dog and he has always appeared healthy and energetic (anyone who's played with him can attest to this), so we couldn't tell that so many problems creeped up on him since his checkup a few years ago.

This picture taken today is lousy, but you should be able to see that half of his teeth, which always stuck out, are now missing. His right front leg is bandaged as a result of needle wounds from (repeated) blood testing and anesthetic. He was still noticeably exhausted from the surgery:

Before the surgery, my precious baby looked like this:

(In the past month, Happy had to be soaked in medicine for 10 minutes every two days to treat his skin irritations. Happy has always hated taking shower, even though over the years he's grown marginally less resistant of it. However, forcing him to stand there and shiver for such a long time just made him miserable. My maid used a kitchen timer to keep track of the time, and whenever the alarm went off, Happy would ecstatically try to escape from the tub. He never succeeded even though he usually managed to splatter water and soap all over the place.)

The reality of Happy's aging never hit me so hard until I came home last night and he greeted me groggily, as the anesthetic was still in effect. He'd always rush to the door when he hears someone approaching. If the door opens and it's someone he knows, he'd yelp and jump and climb and lick like the person is a long lost first love. Happy's passionate welcome makes going home an event that I long for after a day's work. He makes the apartment our home, where love is waiting for us.

And he's now an old, old dog.


我這個小説人,說起來也奇怪,最近常常看一些 non fiction,由從前的 Robert Wright 的 Nonzero, 近來 Jared Diamond 的 Gun, Germs, and Steel,Thomas Friedman 的 The World is Flat,甚至到 Jon Stewart 的 America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction (極強力推介他的 Daily Show!!!),都是拿放大鏡去看人類的發展史,尋找一些 patterns,從而引導我們對目前社會狀況、以至未來的路向的思考。

在 大學時讀過一點哲學,覺得實在是非常有用的一門學問。帕拉圖對 Form 與 Idea 的分野對當時的我是一記當頭棒喝 - 無論是對教育的目的、對學問的追求、思考的意義,都有了一個清晰的答案,就是從看得到、摸得到的,經過小心的思考、分析,找出背後共同的道理,並作爲我們 改 善未來的決策的基石。有了這一個明確的目的,我有了對原因去對所有的知識都渴求(包括大量 news you can't use,嘻嘻)。

推而廣之,歷史就是一個大實驗 with almost infinite variables。雖然複雜,但 given History Repeats Itself,作爲地球主人翁幾千萬年的人類,好應該已經對身處的環境、以至自己的脾性,都有深刻的了解。(已經有人提出過,一切問題的答案,是 forty-two。)可是人啊,是一種善忘、短視、自大的動物…

There is no sin except stupidity。在日常生活中,我們每天都被無孔不入的愚昧挑戰著。爲什麽我們要接受教育、要留意身邊的事情?因爲我們不應該浪費時間去犯已經有很多前人犯過的錯誤。

Case in point,「民主黨鄭家富昨日發表調查,指六成六被訪者贊成立法,規定僱員每周最高工時,以及有七成三被訪者認為最高工時應低於五十小時。


  1. 在資本主義社會,工時、工資都應該由市場自動調節,而政府和法律的角色是去保障市民最基本的權利, 確保受薪者沒有被剝削。這就是勞工法例的基礎。所 以,在研究設立最低工資、最高工時的時候,問題的重心是什麽是明顯的不合理、不合法,然後把立法的理由、凖則作爲辯論的題目,從而釐定最後法例裏的字 眼。比如說,如果我問你覺得一個星期最好工時不超過多少,你一定會說越少越好(正在讀這個的您可能不會,可是十個人中最少八個人會)。但是如果問題是多 少個小時的工作算是不合理,你的答案就會不同。從民主黨的民調裏問的問題,反映出他們研究這個題目要不是角度完全錯了,就是求其取悅基層選票的把戲
  2. 代 議政制的一個衆所周知的毛病,就是選民投票很多時候是投「公衆」的 (i.e. 不是自己的)鈔票。最好我自己能通過付出最小的代價、獲取最大的福利。美國的議會裏長年累月的黨爭正是選舉政治的 inefficiency 的體現。負責任的議員應該做的是為社會大衆深入的分析一個建議的利弊,讓選民知道自己的決定 會有什麽影響,然後盡量依從選民的意願去投票。然而,在香港現今的議會裏面,有誰有這樣的學識、技巧、魅力去引導和 shape 公衆意見?而傳媒又會懂得去報導嗎?我不奢求有香港有十個八個像樣的政治家,畢竟我們的政治舞台發展時間很短,可是我每次在電視上看到台灣的小馬哥都恨得牙癢癢 的。
  3. 香港民主黨的未來極爲悲觀。在 開始的時候,民主黨的理念曾經深得民心,加上有幾位旗幟鮮明的領袖,令這黨在多次地 區直選中贏得轟烈。可是,隨著民主黨 内部青黃不接、四分五裂,其他黨派的首領又慢慢做出簡單但恰當的部署,民主黨的聲勢衰落了不少。在這一條小小的議案中也看到,民主黨内沒有人知道民意調查 是甚麽, 沒有人明白民意調查的用途,更沒有人懂得除了語出驚人、聲大夾惡的政治策略。我看,很快它就會踏上英國保守黨、美國民主黨的舊路,由廣受人民擁戴,淪落到 被對手從 台中心擠到角落。
這一切,都是因爲我們的政客沒有吸取到歷史的教訓,同樣的事情在外國已經發生過很多次,什麽 permutation 都有,就是不懂得把成功的經驗納為己用。

Midsummer Night's Dream

After more than ten days of overbearing sunshine, thunder returns.

Taken at 1:45 a.m. on July 19, 2005.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I've just finished my HP6 after 15 hours of reading! It was a great experience. :) The drama was excellent - I was deeply depressed by the ending, even though it was quite expected. However, I must say that the writing seems to have become a bit more sloppy when compared to the first three books, which were perfectly written.

What a great way to spend a weekend. :D