- 明報即時新聞,二〇〇七年五月二十三日
- 受訪者有沒有看過問卷調查的原文?(還是由調查員以憤怒的聲線讀出他最不喜歡的一句?)
- 什麽是「某些字眼」?(你不喜歡一、我不喜歡二,這就算是兩個人不喜歡「某些字眼」,儘管其實每個字眼都只有一個人不喜歡)
- 什麽是反感?(我對謀殺這種行爲很反感。我乘地鐵時,對在我旁邊的人挖鼻子也很反感。我看記者的文筆不通暢,算不算是感到反感?)
- 什麽是進一步處罰?(我想罰他留堂、你想把他斬首,都是處罰啊。)
- 爲什麽只給我一個選擇,只是處罰學生報編輯?(我想處罰中大校方多一點)
- 登登登櫈!各位,這叫僞 • 善。
Welcome to America – The Saudi Arabia of Coal
Coal, if it disappeared from the nation's consciousness, never went away. This is America, and this is our fossil fuel, a $27.6 billion industry that employs nearly 80,000 miners in twenty-six states. We are sitting on 25 percent of the world's supply—the “Saudi Arabia of Coal!”—and lately we've been grabbing it in record amounts, gorging on the black rock the Bush administration calls "freedom fuel."
The question I had going in was almost ridiculous in nature: If coal is really this big, and all these people really exist, how is it that I know nothing about them?
The ceiling is five feet high, and so you can’t, actually, stand up. You look around and everyone is walking around like the freaks in Being John Malkovich. “Okay, they should make it higher,” I said to Foot the first time I experienced this. I wanted to call a congressman or something. This was ridiculous. There are people in here! Everyone’s doing a duck walk, hands clasped behind their backs to give the body balance as they lean over and waddle. You work your whole ten-hour shift like that, duck-walking through the darkness, nothing but a pinpoint of light shining from your hat to tell you which rat tunnel is which. A rat. You feel like a rat.
This is a perfect illustration of how irrational the market is in China. Literally a 10-year old child could make money in today's market.
What goes up must come down. How many cycles does it take for people to really learn this adage?
What goes up must come down. How many cycles does it take for people to really learn this adage?
因為對股票的專注和興趣,爸爸決定給尹航一次實戰機會——今年1月15日,爸爸投資1.4萬元 (人民幣,下同)作為尹航的炒股基金,賺得的資金八二分帳,爸爸八,尹航二。拿到啟動資金後,尹航興奮地開始了自己人生第一單,他用這些錢購買了3隻股票,其中,深振業A購買時是13.12元,現在,該股票已上漲到22元,收穫頗豐富。而短短幾個月,尹航已通過爸爸的投資賺到了自己的小學學費。
~ 明報網上即時新聞,2007年5月15日
There is so much happening these days besides the storm in a tea cup at the Chinese University:
Eurovision Song Contest 2007
Excellent coverage at Wiki, BBC, with commentary from the Fug Girls and the Maestro Manolo. One huge draw back of Hong Kong's television offering is that I am not given the chance to ogle this annual European camp galore LIVE.
The screenwriter of Borat is going to make a movie about Eurovision!!! Possibly the best movie concept I have ever heard.
Clio Awards
The much-forwarded washing machine commercial turns out to be a contemporary work + has won the grand prize in the TV category at this year's Clio Awards. StuffIt's print ad is very clever. The Nike+ online community that has won in the interactive category is, of course, smart and supremely functional.
Eurovision Song Contest 2007
Excellent coverage at Wiki, BBC, with commentary from the Fug Girls and the Maestro Manolo. One huge draw back of Hong Kong's television offering is that I am not given the chance to ogle this annual European camp galore LIVE.
The screenwriter of Borat is going to make a movie about Eurovision!!! Possibly the best movie concept I have ever heard.
Clio Awards
The much-forwarded washing machine commercial turns out to be a contemporary work + has won the grand prize in the TV category at this year's Clio Awards. StuffIt's print ad is very clever. The Nike+ online community that has won in the interactive category is, of course, smart and supremely functional.