(Via Travellers' Tales)
Porn for Women
The concept is simple - porn for women. Instead of showing bulky and sun tanned boys strutting it on a beach, the audience (presumed to be female) gets images of sincere and caring men doing / saying things we can only dream of. All in a book that one could find on the shelves of a regular book store.
Whoever thought of this should get filthy rich and be worshiped by women from all over the world, and build a Mansion overflowing with an unlimited supply of crispy high-count linen, sinfully delicious but carb-lite and fat free snacks, and obscenely good looking, charming man-servants. The guests (girls) are welcome to party all night every day of the week, doing heart-to-heart talks.
Awwwwwww. Sweeeeeet.
p.s. I was trying to buy this book for a girlfriend's birthday today, and couldn't find it on the shelves. It was a busy hour for the store, with all the white-collar prisoners released for the daily stroll in the mall. So I had to chase after a shop attendant, "Excuse me, I am looking for a book named 'Porn for Women'." "Points for Women?" "No, p-o-r-n. PORN." She punched in the beginning of the title, "PORN F", nothing turned up. So she tried again, "PORN". This time, there were too many hits.
Friendly reminder: This book is apparently not available at any of the Dymocks outlets in Hong Kong! Instead, check out Kelly & Welsh (and Swindon), where I first saw it.
镇委书记与一女性裸死车内 一网站称系因公牺牲 - 華商網(我未能肯定真的是南方網的報道)
鎮官與情婦裸屍車廂 - 蘋果日報
镇委书记与一女性裸死车内 一网站称系因公牺牲 - 華商網(我未能肯定真的是南方網的報道)
鎮官與情婦裸屍車廂 - 蘋果日報
奧運倒數 福娃倒下
在倒數儀式舉行期間,自然少不了一眾明星與名人上台慶祝倒數一周年,也當然少不了奧運吉祥物福娃出場。只見貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎、妮妮興 高采烈地左搖右擺助興。台上的5隻「福娃」左搖右擺助興,蔚藍色的吹氣福娃「貝貝」不知怎麼的,愈來愈矮,變了縮水福娃,直至見不到它的樣子。原來是貝貝突然「泄氣」,變得頭耷耷,幾乎要倒下來,最後要工作人員中途「攙扶」離場。
- 明報新聞網,二〇〇七年八月九日
What is art
I have always held this view, but was never able to articulate it quite so eloquently:
Of course this applies not only to painters, but all forms of art. Art is not merely an imitation of nature, but an expression of the artist, of his or her interpretation of this world.
This is my favorite chapter in this book. I am going to Provence some day to see for myself.
As Nietzsche knew, painters do not merely reproduce [reality]. They select and highlight, and they are accorded genuine admiration in so far as their version of reality seems to bring out valuable features of it.
~ "On Eye-opening Art", The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton
Of course this applies not only to painters, but all forms of art. Art is not merely an imitation of nature, but an expression of the artist, of his or her interpretation of this world.
This is my favorite chapter in this book. I am going to Provence some day to see for myself.